Hi, you've found Arif. I build software for the web and mobile, and am a big advocate for startups.
Until its acquisition in 2019, I was a partner at Codetree, providing project and issue tracking software for teams writing code. I founded Arbour Medical, a software product that optimizes billing for Canadian Family Physicians. I consult with teams that are looking to build and grow early to mid-stage technology businesses, often in a system and product design capacity, and then always as a builder, writing code.
My latest side project is Bench Investor an investment portfolio tracker on steroids. After years of being frustrated with brokers showing me performance numbers that are either vanity metrics or worse, just plain wrong, I built a portfolio tracker that solves those problems and has a focus on annualized total return.
I'm a full stack engineer with 15 years experience. I'm pragmatic with a focus on speed and iteration rather than on being a purist with a big unveil at the end. Get something out early that stakeholders can see and play with, then adjust.
Recently, I've written a lot of React Native targeting mobile. On the web side, I most often build backends in Rails. On the frontend for key UI interactions and pages I love to use React - but for simple pages, I advocate simply using the backend to generate the views.
I enjoy system design; much pain and battles can be avoided by getting this right. Again, I like to keep things simple until there is a clear win in complicating the architecture.
Some of my client work:
I live in Vancouver, British Columbia and was born and raised across the country in Toronto, Ontario. I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from McGill University in Montreal and an MBA from Rotman, University of Toronto. Ski, golf, tennis, basketball. I'm game for most activities and sports if they take place in the beauty outdoors.
Please get in touch, I'd love to hear from you. Email is best, arif+at+arifb.com.